Footpaths and Rights of Way

Footpaths and Rights of Way

Elsenham Rights of Way and Open Spaces (EROWOS) is a committee of EPC. We are a member of the Essex County Parish Paths Partnership  . The committee is responsible for the Rights of Way and Open Spaces within the parish (except the playing field) and arrange regular walks.

Please observe the countryside code which gives advice on how you can enjoy your visit to our countryside and also act responsibly to protect it.

The Spinney

The Spinney is located along Stansted Road, between Isabel Drive and Leigh Drive, and is owned by the Parish Council. The Spinney is just under thirty years old and there is a continuing need to manage it to produce strong, beautiful trees and a varied range of habitats. With luck and climate change permitting, the oaks on the Spinney should still be around in two or three hundred years.

Tree Warden

Heather Salvidge is the Parish’s Tree Warden.

Walks Around Elsenham

Please remember when walking on public footpaths through fields with livestock your dog MUST be under close control and on a lead. This is particularly important during the lambing season.

For more information please visit the EROWOS website.

Helpful information

Take litter (and dog poo) home with you or wait till you find a litter bin.

Protect animals and plants (with the possible exception of nettles) and leave gates and property as you find them.

If you can, have with you an Ordnance Survey map that marks public rights of way so you gradually become familiar with the countryside around you.

Should you come across any problems, e.g. a blockage or temporary closure, please email EROWOS  giving as much detail of the problem and its whereabouts as possible.  

Footpath numbers can be obtained by pinpointing on the interactive map (after Accepting terms, enter an approximate postcode, select map categories, tick Assets, and tick Public Rights of Way).


Please inform Essex County Council (ECC) Highways

Please then forward the error report number to EROWOS  so that we can monitor problems.