Elsenham Parish Council Allotment Working Group Meeting
Held on 23 June 2022 at 7.30pm in Old Franks
Mr. B Ogilvie (Chairman BO), Mr. R Franklin (RF), Mrs. S Waite (SW),
Mrs. B Donald (BD), Mr. G Mott (GM) and Mrs. L Johnson (Parish Clerk LJ)
1. Election of Chairman.
Proposal BO is elected Chairman of the Allotment Working group.
BD proposed, GM seconded, the vote was carried unanimously.
2. Declaration of Interests.
3. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2022 were agreed as a true record and signed by BO.
4. Items from last meeting.
4.1. Hemlock
SW has reported to Remus that hemlock is growing on the grass bank adjacent to the Smith Road allotments.
4.2. Allotment Association
BO tried to organize an allotment association but unfortunately, none of the plot holders volunteered to be the chairman or secretary.
5. Update on allocation of plots
There are 5 unallocated plots on Smith Road and 3 unallocated on the church allotments. All 8 plots are very overgrown and other plot holders are complaining about the seeds
form the wild fields and grasses blowing onto their plots. It was decided not to cover the plots with sheeting again as this had not worked, especially with the Smith Road allotments as they are open to the elements. BD said she would like to leave the plots to help the supports biodiversity by allowing bees, butterflies and other species to thrive. Although this was agreed as a good idea, it
was thought that EPC would receive many complaints form other plot holders who are working hard to maintain their plots. It was agreed that LJ would ask Mick Burke how much he would charge to strim the plots when required. There are also several plots that are allocated but have not been cultivated and these are causing problems to other plot holders as well. LJ to write to the plot holders asking them if they still wanted their plots and if so to start cultivating them.
6. Unauthorized gate installed in the fence on Smith Road Allotments
A gate has been installed without permission from EPC in the fence near plot 1. No one has admitted responsibility. BO has locked the gate so it cannot be used. It was therefore
agreed to keep the gate and monitor it.
7. Any Other Business
LJ said that a water meter has now been installed on the Smith Road Allotments.
As EPC now have 90 allotments to administer it was agreed to ask full council if the Allotment working group may become a committee. LJ to add to next month’s agenda.
The meeting finished at 8.50pm