
Uttlesford Planning Committee – Decision Time

Uttlesford Planning Committee will make their decision on the following planning applications ‪at 2:00 pm on Wednesday 6 November‬ in the Council Chamber. As a member of the public you can attend this meeting.

UTT/19/0462/FUL – Land West of Hall Road, Elsenham -To consider application UTT/19/0462/FUL.

UTT/19/0437/OP – Land South of Rush Lane, Elsenham -To consider application UTT/19/0437/OP.

Anyone who wants to speak needs to apply in advance, as given below from UDC’s website:

The Planning Committee is a committee of the Council. It has the power to make decisions on planning applications. This committee is open to the public. To register to speak at a Planning Committee meeting, please contact the Democratic Services team by ‪2pm‬ the day before the meeting. Contact details for Democratic Services are as follows:, or call ‪01799 510369‬/548.