Roboscammers - protect yourself from cold calling With more people now working from home than ever before, you may have recently become more aware of the number of nuisance calls to your...
Fraud alert
Essex Police Fraud Update 16th October 2020
Crimestoppers launch COVID hotline The Crimestoppers COVID Fraud Hotline (0800 587 5030) has been set up by HM Government in partnership with Crimestoppers to enable individuals to report...
Essex Police Fraud update 2nd October 2020
Starting on 5th October is a week long law enforcement campaign to increase awareness of Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking, in particular focusing upon child exploitation. As a result, the...
Essex Police Fraud update 4th September 2020
Gift card scams - have HMRC really contacted you? Many of us are aware that criminals regularly make telephone calls claiming to be HMRC. Increasingly, they are making these calls claiming that...
Essex Police Fraud update 21st August 2020
TV Licenses for over-75s As many of you are aware, in August 2020 there will be changes to the over-75’s TV licence.You will now only be entitled to a free TV licence if: You, as the licence...