To make a representation please visit Uttlesford Planning Search Portal and use the application number starting UTT/ to identify the relevant planning proposal.
UTT/19/2266/OP Land North of Bedwell Road.
Deadline for Representations: 29th November 2019.
The application is for up to 220 new homes between the M11 and the railway line, with road access just before the bridge carrying the M11.
Decision Date: To be confirmed
Status: Awaiting Decision
UTT/19/2692/OP Land At Old Mead Road
Deadline for Representations: 27 November 2019
Outline planning application, with all matters reserved except scale & access, for the erection of up to 6 dwellings and associated work
Decision Date: To be confirmed
Status: Awaiting Decision
UTT/17/3573/OP Land To The North West Of Henham Road Elsenham (Fairfield Development)
Representations: Still open for comment
Outline application with all matters reserved except for access for: up to 350 dwellings, 1 no. primary school including early years and childcare setting for up to 56 places, open spaces and landscaping including junior football pitch and changing rooms, access from B1051
Decision Date: To be confirmed
Status: Awaiting Decision
UTT/19/2470/OP Land bordering Alsa Wood (Land off Isabel Drive and Land off Stansted Road next to the M11).
Deadline for Representations: 13th November 2019
The application is for up to 99 new homes spread across the 2 sites.
Decision Date: To be confirmed
Status: Awaiting Decision
UTT/19/2545 Crossways, Station Road, Elsenham
Deadline for Representations: 26th November
The application is for the proposed demolition of existing house and erection of 3no. 4- bedroom dwelling
Decision Date: To be confirmed
Status: Awaiting Decision
UTT/19/0462/FUL – Land West of Hall Road, Elsenham
Residential development for 130 dwellings (including affordable housing); the provision of open space; play areas; car parking; new pedestrian linkages; landscaping and ancillary works, with access off Hall Road
Status: Approved with conditions
- provision of 40% affordable housing (52 dwellings) The affordable housing would be split into Affordable Rent and Affordable shared ownership..
- payment of education contribution
- contribution of 31% of cost of community facility up to a maximum of £310,000
- Transfer of land 0.37ha of agricultural land for educational use.
- Provision/ completion and long term on-going maintenance (whether Elsenham Parish Council or private management company) of open space (including LAP and LEAP)
- long-term maintenance arrangements for the sustainable drainage system (SuDS)
- Payment of contribution towards visitor and botanical monitoring and mitigation works at Hatfield Forest
- Financial contribution to enhance bus services (contribution of £347,328 (index linked from the date of this application)
- Contribution towards health care
- payment of the Council’s reasonable legal costs
- payment of monitoring fee
UTT/19/0437/OP – Land South of Rush Lane, Elsenham
Outline application for the erection of up to 40 dwellings with all matters reserved except for access
Status: Refused
The proposed development by reason of the site’s location lying outside development limits within the countryside and also the Countryside Protection Zone (CPZ) would be harmful to the particular character of the countryside in which the site is set and harmful to the openness of the Countryside Protection Zone. As such, the development would be contrary to ULP Policies S7 and S8 of the Uttlesford Local Plan (adopted 2005) whereby the adverse environmental effects arising from this rural harm and loss of openness would significantly and demonstrably outweigh any identified benefits of the submitted scheme, including the site’s sustainable location relative to local services and public transport provision and the inclusion of affordable housing when assessed against the policies contained in the National Planning Policy Framework (February 2019) taken as a whole.