
Fairfield appeal

The Appeal by Fairfield against refusal of their application for up to 350 dwellings to the north-west of Henham Road will be heard via Microsoft Teams commencing at 13:30 on 9 November 2020, and is scheduled to last for 8 days.

If you wish to attend at any time, you should contact the Planning Inspectorate Case Officer, preferably by email, or Tel 0303 444 5304, quoting the Planning Inspectorate’s reference: APP/C1570/W/19/3243744

Please state whether you want to take an active part, or wish to attend as an observer.

All representations already made will be considered. by the Inspector. You can view all the documents on UDC’s website /simple search, ref: UTT/17/3573/OP

This is your chance to impress the Inspector with the breadth of opposition to this application.