Wallace Land Investments are attending a meeting of the Parish Council’s Planning Committee on Wednesday 30 Oct in order to explain their proposals for 61 homes off Isabel Drive and 38 homes adjacent to the M11 off Stansted Road. The meeting is arranged during the daytime because of the difficulties of booking a hall in the evening and because of the availability of some members of the Committee.
The Parish Council will probably ask questions about some aspects of the application in order to better understand how we might object to it. The meeting is open to the public. It is unfortunate that many people will not be able to attend, but the meeting will not have any bearing on the outcome of the application. That will be a matter for Uttlesford District Council’s Planning Committee in due course.
There is the opportunity to make representations before the application is decided. You can object by sending an e-mail to:
planning@uttlesford.gov.uk giving the reference UTT/19/2470/OP as the subject, and including your name and address. This is actually a much more effective means of having your say than attending the meeting.
Personal experience of difficulties on the route via Grove Hill through Stansted are particularly useful – so too are details if you ever use other routes as an alternative.